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Challenges while building Graphology as a business.

Dear readers, the Graphology market is challenging to explore as a business. In fact, any business you do will take years to grow, and one cannot expect returns in a month. However, Graphology is yet to spread in India, and sooner as psychology gains momentum, Graphology will automatically gain momentum too. And once Graphology as a subject explodes in India, you will find everyone jumping to it and then you will see Graphologists in every nook and corner of India. Some of them might end up generating good figure income through this Graphology business.

How can aspiring graphologists strengthen their business acumen?

Whether you be an expert in your field or someone with less knowledge of your subject, only the one with good business sense and excellent marketing and advertising capabilities will be at the forefront of that business. So, ultimately it boils down to business strategies. So, scaling up your handwriting analysis business in a niche market is a far better opportunity to succeed than in a competitive market. Provided you keep the quality of your work within the same range as your price, which is a significant consideration while growing your graphology business.

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