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Graphotherapy Movements & Tips.

Graphotherapy is based on 12 universal movements that are unique and rational. These movements allow illiterate people to communicate and connect with others. Despite the different cultures and backgrounds, these movements help initiate the connection. Graphotherapy movements help stimulate and generate new paths of associations between neurons in the individual’s brains. These 12 unique strokes or movements get combined to execute letters along with expression of self. Each individual is expected to conduct himself/herself in a specific manner or direction. With the help of graphotherapy movements, you can use these strokes to express in every direction and form. Four Graphotherapy tips that will take you a long way and help you succeed in life. Ascending movements: Express spiritual tendencies and help you achieve what you aspire for, your ideals, ambitions, and goals. Descending movements: Reveal material tendencies that are related to the physical, biological, and organic (sexuality, nutrition, sports, physical work) realms. Leftward movements: Imply reflection and analysis of your past experiences. Introversion and impulsiveness towards family, your past, and childish behaviour. Rightward movements: Depict extroversion, maturity, and sound attitude. You possess a sense of direction in achieving your desired goals. Practice these movements to make the most of life. 

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